H azrat Syed Muslim (RA) the 14th great-grandson of Syedna Hazrat Ahmad Mujtaba Muhammad Rasul-Allah (PBUH) migrated from Mecca to Andrab the village center of the district of Andarab in the southern part of Baghlan Province of Afghanistan to preach the message of love and submission to Allah.

Andrab is also the name of a large stream in Afghanistan and it empties into the stream which originates in the Hindu Kush near Khawak Pass and flows to the west for about seventy five miles before merging into the Surkhab. Together the two streams form a long narrow valley. The upper part of that valley is also called Andrab, the lower part alternately as Khinjan or Doshi. Both parts of the valley are united under a single administrative unit.

A bdul Habibi, the author of Tarikhi Afghanistan Baad-Auz Islam writes about Andrab's origin and the occupation of people. He says “according to Hieun-Sangs version, it was best known by the name of Anth-polo”.

Agriculture was the main occupation of people. Andrab remained the main center of gold and silver trade. The people were freedom loving, kind and compassionate.
The climate in the two parts of the valley varies considerably. Khinjan and Doshi have comparatively mild winters, while Andarab's winter is rather severe. However, Andarab stays comparatively cooler during the summer, though it gets quite hot in Khinjan and Doshi.

The descendants of Syed Muslim spread over to various parts of sub-continent in order to propagate Islamic teachings. The absolute love of God made them to sacrifice their native land for the purpose of propagation of Islam.